Top RN to BSN Programs in Connecticut

School Accreditation Program Admissions
University of Texas Permian Basin CCNE Accredited Online RN to BSN Website
Methodist University CCNE Accredited Online RN to BSN Website
Campbellsville University ACEN Accredited Online RN to BSN Website
Sacred Heart University CCNE Accredited Online RN to BSN Website
Benedictine University CCNE Accredited RN to Bachelor of Science in Nursing (RN-BSN) Website
Alvernia University CCNE Accredited RN to BSN Website
King University Accredited BS in Nursing (RN-to-BSN) Website
Utica University CCNE Accredited RN to Bachelor of Science Website

Connecticut BSN in Nursing School Highlights

Number of Accredited RN to BSN Programs in Connecticut Schools with RN-BSN Programs
There are 10 nursing schools in Connecticut with CCNE or ACEN accredited BSN programs.
Average Enrollment of All Colleges in Connecticut Average Enrollment
Connecticut universities average enrollment is 9,190 students (smaller than the national average).
SWES Connecticut City Availability
There are 10 total cities in Connecticut with nursing schools offering CCNE or ACEN-accredited Bachelor's in Nursing degrees. Fairfield and New Haven have the most options.
School Accreditation Program Admissions
University of Texas Permian Basin CCNE Accredited Online RN to BSN Website
Methodist University CCNE Accredited Online RN to BSN Website
Campbellsville University ACEN Accredited Online RN to BSN Website
Sacred Heart University CCNE Accredited Online RN to BSN Website
Benedictine University CCNE Accredited RN to Bachelor of Science in Nursing (RN-BSN) Website
Alvernia University CCNE Accredited RN to BSN Website
King University Accredited BS in Nursing (RN-to-BSN) Website
Utica University CCNE Accredited RN to Bachelor of Science Website
Overall, there are 10 universities we have in our database that have BSN programs with campus locations in Connecticut. Each of these schools resides in a different city or town in Connecticut, which gives you a number of different options to cut down the commute time. RN to BSN degree programs include further learning in the field of nursing, building on existing knowledge to create a profound nursing professional. Gaining a higher degree provides for more than just increasing career opportunities, but also for wages.
10 nursing schools in Connecticut with ACEN or CCNE accredited RN to BSN Programs
The potential in pursuing a higher degree programs is well beyond the effort involved. Nurses seeking that extra spark on their resume should consider finding an accredited university to obtain their degree so that they have job security for years to come.

Connecticut Nursing Licensure Reciprocity

The Nurse Licensure Compact (NLC) allows nurses to have one license for nursing that gives them the ability to practice in the state where they current live as well as other states that are part of the compact agreement. Currently there are over 30 states that are a part of the NLC agreement.

As of Spring 2020: Connecticut is not currently a part of the NLC agreement.

Connecticut NLC Licensure Reciprocity for RNs with a BSN

Source: National Council of State Boards of Nursing

Outlook for Registered Nurses in Connecticut

The outlook is fair for registered nurses in Connecticut. Generally speaking, on average Connecticut nurses earn more at every level the Bureau of Labor Statistics records compared to the national average. The median salary for a registered nurse in Connecticut is just over $75,000, compared to the median annual salary of $66,640 nationwide.

Likewise, the highest paid registered nurses in Connecticut earn $100,380 compared to the national average of $98,880 at the same level. On the more entry level end, RN’s in CT make around $54,490, while nationally they earn $45,880, on average.


RN to BSN Program Length for Connecticut Schools

RN to BSN programs in Connecticut typically last anywhere from 1 to 2 years. Depending on how heavy of a course load students take, the time frame can shorten to as little as 1 year.

A degree than can be completed in this short of a time frame is a bargain for learners enrolled. Contributing to a better future is something that all professionals wish to do throughout their lifetime. RN to BSN programs in Connecticut allow nurses to make a change towards a better life – both financially and personally.

RN to BSN programs are truly a great way for nurses to set themselves apart from other professionals in the nursing field. Since the nursing field is so diverse, professionals are expected to have a unique set of skills that will apply to nearly any situation. In the medical field, it is vital that professionals have recent knowledge on disease, injury, and pharmaceuticals.

List of BSN Programs

All Bachelor of Science in Nursing Programs

Central Connecticut State University
New Britain
  • RN to BSN - Department of Nursing
Fairfield University
  • RN to BSN - School of Nursing
Quinnipiac University
  • RN to BSN - School of Nursing
Sacred Heart University
  • RN to BSN - College of Nursing
Southern Connecticut State University
New Haven
  • RN to BSN - Department of Nursing
St. Vincent's College
  • RN to BSN - Nursing Department
University of Connecticut
  • RN to BSN - School of Nursing
University of Hartford
West Hartford
  • RN to BSN - Department of Health Sciences and Nursing
University of Saint Joseph
West Hartford
  • RN to BSN - Division of Nursing
Western Connecticut State University
  • RN to BSN - Department of Nursing