Top RN to BSN Programs in Mississippi

School Program Admissions
University of Texas Permian Basin Online RN to BSN
CCNE accredited, 38-credit program prepares nurses for leadership roles in healthcare.
Benedictine University RN to Bachelor of Science in Nursing (RN-BSN)
CCNE Accredited, can be completed–100% online–in as little as 12 months.
Auburn University at Montgomery Bachelor of Science in Nursing (RN-BSN)
Finish in 1 year, CCNE accredited.
Methodist University Online RN to BSN
CCNE Accredited. Designed for Working Nurses.
Campbellsville University Online RN to BSN
ACEN accredited BSN program.
University of West Alabama Online RN to BSN
Finish in 1 year, ACEN accredited.
Sacred Heart University Online RN to BSN
CCNE Accredited, as few as 10 months to complete.
King University BS in Nursing (RN-to-BSN)
Accelerated program features 7-week courses designed specifically for the ADN- or Diploma-prepared Registered Nurse.

Mississippi BSN in Nursing School Highlights

Number of Accredited RN to BSN Programs in Mississippi Schools with RN-BSN Programs
There are 7 nursing schools in Mississippi with CCNE or ACEN accredited BSN programs.
Average Enrollment of All Colleges in Mississippi Average Enrollment
Mississippi universities average enrollment is 5,200 students (less than the national average).
SWES Mississippi City Availability
There are a handful of cities in Mississippi with nursing schools offering CCNE or ACEN-accredited Bachelor's in Nursing degrees.
School Program Admissions
University of Texas Permian Basin Online RN to BSN
CCNE accredited, 38-credit program prepares nurses for leadership roles in healthcare.
Benedictine University RN to Bachelor of Science in Nursing (RN-BSN)
CCNE Accredited, can be completed–100% online–in as little as 12 months.
Auburn University at Montgomery Bachelor of Science in Nursing (RN-BSN)
Finish in 1 year, CCNE accredited.
Methodist University Online RN to BSN
CCNE Accredited. Designed for Working Nurses.
Campbellsville University Online RN to BSN
ACEN accredited BSN program.
University of West Alabama Online RN to BSN
Finish in 1 year, ACEN accredited.
Sacred Heart University Online RN to BSN
CCNE Accredited, as few as 10 months to complete.
King University BS in Nursing (RN-to-BSN)
Accelerated program features 7-week courses designed specifically for the ADN- or Diploma-prepared Registered Nurse.
There are more than a handful of nursing schools as options in Mississippi for finding an accredited RN to BSN program. You may also consider an Online RN to BSN program, where many programs have the same accreditation (CCNE or ACEN) and allow you to pursue your BSN while still working as an RN.
7 nursing schools in Mississippi with CCNE or ACEN accredited BSN programs
Comparatively, RN to BSN programs in Mississippi are short in nature, with most students completing the program in 1-2 years, depending on scheduling. In order to get started, students should choose an accredited program that fits nicely into a nurse’s busy schedule.

Mississippi Nursing Licensure Reciprocity

The Nurse Licensure Compact (NLC) allows nurses to have one license for nursing that gives them the ability to practice in the state where they current live as well as other states that are part of the compact agreement. Currently there are over 30 states that are a part of the NLC agreement.

As of Spring 2020: Mississippi IS a part of the NLC compact agreement, meaning a Mississippi license for nursing will be applicable in the other states that participate in the NLC. In the map image below, you can view all of the other states that have the license reciprocity agreement in place.

Mississippi NLC Licensure Reciprocity for RNs with a BSN

Source: National Council of State Boards of Nursing

BSN for Working RN’s in Mississippi

How nurses choose a university is based around what the university provides. Nurses need some leeway when choosing to go back to school. The long hours and abnormal scheduling can make it difficult for nurses to take college courses.

Most individuals within RN to BSN programs have families and other responsibilities outside of their career. RN to BSN programs provide the ability to schedule courses that do not interfere with a normal lifestyle.

Professionals can take courses at any time of day, and sometimes at night. Online courses have some added convenience, without having to sacrifice any quality of education.

More people are looking into this method as a way to promote their degrees easily within 1-2 years.

Typical RN to BSN Curriculum

Courses are relevant to the field of nursing, with courses in advanced practice and abnormal disease being taken throughout.

RN to BSN programs build on what lower degree programs have already taught. Higher degree programs include courses that apply to the science and application of nursing.

Advanced techniques and nursing application are some of the subjects of focus in these programs.

List of BSN Programs

All Bachelor of Science in Nursing Programs

Alcorn State University
  • RN to BSN
Delta State University
  • RN to BSN - Robert E. Smith School of Nursing
Mississippi College
  • RN to BSN - School of Nursing
  • RN to BSN
Mississippi University for Women
  • RN to BSN - College of Nursing and Speech-Language Pathology
University of Mississippi Medical Center
  • RN to BSN - School of Nursing
University of Southern Mississippi
  • RN to BSN - College of Nursing
William Carey University
  • RN to BSN - Joseph and Nancy Fail School of Nursing